VConsult Visa & Immigration

Express Entry

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Program Overview



Before you compare programs, here are 2 terms you need to know:

Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB)

The CLB is a Canadian standard for describing, measuring, and recognising the English language competence of adult immigrants and prospective immigrants who plan to reside, work, or seek for citizenship in Canada.

There are 4 language ability tests: 1. Writing, 2. Reading, 3. Listening, 4. Speaking

National Occupation Classification (NOC) code

The NOC is a comprehensive list of all occupations available in the Canadian labor market. It categorizes jobs by skill type and level of difficulty. These are the key job groups for immigration purposes:

  • Skill Type 0 (zero): Management jobs
  • Skill Level A: Professional jobs that usually call for a degree from a university.
  • Skill Level B: Technical jobs and skilled trades that usually call for a college diploma or training as an apprentice.
  • Skill Level C: Intermediate jobs that usually call for high school and/or job-specific training.
  • Skill Level D: Labour jobs that usually give on-the-job training.

What is Express Entry?

Express Entry (EE) is a technique for applying for immigration online. It enables anyone to create a profile and be considered for skilled immigration. The highest-ranking candidates will be asked to apply for permanent residency.

  • If you complete an Express Entry profile, your application will be graded using a points system.
  • You will be invited to apply for permanent residence as a skilled immigrant if you are highly ranked.
  • Following your application, your PR application will be processed within 6 months.

Which Immigration Programs Does EE Cover?

To apply for the following jobs, you must use Express Entry:

  • The Skilled Worker Program
  • The Skilled Trades Program
  • The Canadian Experience Class

How are EE profile points determined?

Your Express Entry profile will be awarded points based on the following criteria:

  • Your education levels.
  • Your English and/or French (Canada’s two official languages) skills;
  • Your work experience and skills.
  • Your age.
  • If you’ve been offered a job in Canada; and
  • Your spouse’s education, language skills, and professional experience.

If you have finished a college or university programme in Canada or have a provincial nomination, you will receive additional points.

How Does EE Choose People for PR?

  1. When you submit a profile, it will be added to a pool (group) of all those who have applied for Express Entry so far.
  2. You will then be ranked against other people in the pool. The quantity of points you have determines your ranking.
  3. If you are at the top of the rankings, your profile will be drawn(selected) from the list of applications. As a skilled immigrant, you will then receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residency.

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